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The Power of Presence and People During COVID-19, a Global Pandemic

covid 19 global pandemic power of presence

We’ve heard from countless people, leaders, financial analysts, entrepreneurs, economists, and CEOs that they’ve never seen anything like this. This global pandemic reaches across the world, and it affects everyone at the same time. It touches our psyches, our hearts, our thoughts, and our emotions. It’s impacting the way we gather with one another, and it’s impacting the way we connect and engage with one another. Like many of you, it forces us as a company and as a community to pause and take note. Together today, we want to talk about something that’s close to our hearts and close to yours – the power of presence and people. No matter what industry you’re in, where you are at in the world, what you do, what your marital status is, or whether you’re a part of this community or not, we can all take note of how powerful people are in our lives and how we can impact one another’s lives like a ripple effect for good.  

A big component of Bonvera’s DNA is community. We’re a company built on community. Before COVID-19 came along, we met weekly, monthly, and multiple times annually with our community of entrepreneurs. We’re entrepreneurs who love this Bonvera community and culture. It’s a culture of motivating, inspiring, and fired-up people that love others well, serve others well, and dream of making an impact in other people’s lives. Anyone in this company will tell you that it was the people and positive environment that kept them coming back. This company is full of people that are fighters, believers, entrepreneurs, world changers, and impact makers. When you say you miss your community, we do too. We understand that, and we’re with you in that. 

Being apart from our community makes us so aware of the power people and community hold in our lives. Don’t get us wrong, we’re grateful for tools to connect and engage with our community. It’s amazing to see how we can leverage tools like Slack, FaceTime, Skype, TeamChat, and Zoom to host virtual meetings, webinars, and live events. Things like social media, emails, and phone calls have become precious ways to keep up with friends, family members, extended family, business partners, colleagues, and coworkers. It’s a great way to still be able to connect with others, but let’s be real, it’s nothing like being in the presence of people. 

People possess presence. People possess courage. People possess fire and tenacity. People possess resilience and strength. We possess joy and sorrow. You’ve probably realized this, but let us just remind you. You have presence, and you have power and influence. You can make an impact, and you can be a force for good. Even when you’re only speaking with someone on the phone, or even when you’re coming through a screen, you have the power to impact someone’s day. One word, one card, one phone call, or one text can mean a lot to someone hurting right now. These digital platforms won’t capture all that you are, but we must still choose to be powerful with our digital presence and serve people well, no matter who they are. 

So much of this is too complex for a digital platform to contain or capture. We only capture it fully in the presence of people. We will have a day when we get to be back together as one community of people, and what a joy that will be. Won’t we come together again with a renewed sense of gratitude for one another. An appreciation for one another’s humanity – our flaws and strengths. For being able to look into someone’s eyes and hear someone’s tone of voice. When sincerity and authenticity will be fully transparent in someone’s demeanor. This time will change us, and this time will grow us. 

It’s been an inspiration to see how people are loving one another and caring for one another during this time. We have an interesting chance to see how our lives directly impact other’s lives. We see how truly powerful or destructive our actions can be to one another. When we choose to put others above ourselves, we see the positive power of unity that humanity can give to one another. 

Let us say lastly that we’re glad you’re here reading this. Whether you’re a part of this community or not, we hope this resonates and influences the way you live and dwell. We’ve all seen how this pandemic has affected our communities, our homes, our friends, and our habits, and for anyone and everyone, we want to offer hope during this time. Thank you for being here. Know we’re with you in this, and you aren’t alone. You have presence, and you have power as a person to make an impact in other’s lives. Use your presence digitally with good intent, spread courage instead of fear, and spread hope like wildfire with the presence you do have.