We are thrilled to launch and announce a new product line in our house of brands called Bonvera At Home. This is a private label brand of products that you can use at your home for personal hygiene and household needs. We’re launching this product line with two premium homemade bar soaps.

Bonvera At Home Bar Soaps are handmade premium bar soaps made good for you, good for your family, and good for our ecosystems. We’ve partnered up with a local craftsman out of Tennessee who runs a small business specializing in palm-oil free soaps, made with no synthetic colors or scents, made with pure essential oils, and made to avoid common allergens in cleaners. Each bar is sturdy and dense as they’re made with coconut and lard oils. Passionate about creating sustainable soap made out of sustainable ingredients, this soap is palm-oil free and made instead with lard and coconut oils as they’re more sustainable ingredients. Lard and coconut oils provide a sturdy and dense bar of soap. They lather great and last a long time. On average, one bar of soap will last one month per person. If you let the bar dry thoroughly between uses, it will last even longer!

Each bar of soap is made with completely natural scent, color, and texture. Fragrances are synthetic and manufactured, but scents are derived from ingredients in nature. Our scents are made from plant distilled scents from essential oils. Each bar contains approximately 1/3 bottle of essential oils for scent. Conventional cleaners can contain colors and fragrances that cause allergic reactions. Because these bars are made with essential oils and made with no synthetic colors, they won’t irritate or bother skin as many other cleaners do.

When you use these bar soaps, they leave no residue, and it will leave you feeling squeaky clean. That’s exactly how our craftsman described it. It’s right smack dab in the middle between being very cleansing and very moisturizing. It bubbles and creates good suds to wash away grime and dirt. You can use it for your face, on your body, in your hair, and just on your hands in general. One bar of soap is equivalent to about a bottle of body wash.
Each bar is completely biodegradable. In fact, all of the product is compostable except for the soap label. Our craftsman believes in leaving a legacy in which sustainable measures were taken to create good products for people and the planet. One bar at a time, we can make a difference. In fact, in one year, you are preventing an average of 40,000 soap bottles from entering and disrupting ecosystems by the use of bar soap. That’s how powerful choosing this bar soap can be for our planet and future generations.
Check out our two newest products, Charcoal Bar Soap and Spearmint Bar Soap, on our site, and shop today with your Bonvera entrepreneur.
*Correction. The lard is derived from pig fat. Lard has been used for centuries in soap making because it makes amazing soap. It’s a more sustainable ingredient than palm oil, which is a common ingredient used in other soaps.