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Finding Your Why: 3 Reasons Clarifying Your Purpose Can Change Your Life

Bonvera CEO, Bob Dickie, recently commented that “the two of the most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discover your purpose.”

Discovering your “why” is an important first step in Read More

10 Reasons to Love Luebella

It’s hard to distinguish good skin care products from the bad when there are so many out there. At Bonvera, we created a skin care line that will let your natural light shine through. Luebella is a revitalizing skin care Read More

Nutritious Smoothie Recipe with a Tropical Twist

Phyzix MD protein powder is easy to incorporate into your everyday life to stay active and healthy. One simple way is to use it in a healthy smoothie. Via Malia Johansen, one of Bonvera’s entrepreneurs, we’re sharing a nutritious smoothie Read More

4 Reasons Why Bonvera Rocks

You may be familiar with the phrase “Bonvera rocks.” In fact, it’s the URL for this blog! It’s a phrase used by both customers and entrepreneurs alike to share excitement about the unique products and opportunity Bonvera provides. These are Read More

The Top 5 Reasons Women Make Incredible Entrepreneurs

Most entrepreneurs will agree that entrepreneurship is challenging, but offers many rewards; both personally and professionally. Some enjoy the independence and flexibility while others value taking control of their destiny and creating their own reality. For women, there’s proof in Read More

Why You Can and Maybe Should Choose a Different Career Path

Many come to a point in their career when they wonder if they’d be better off in a completely different field that they’re more passionate about or skilled in. It can be difficult to discern when the struggle requires you … Read More

The Decline of the 9 to 5 Job

By Robert L. Dickie III

Like it or not, the Monday-to-Friday, 9-to-5, clock-in-clock-out work-week is quickly becoming a relic of the past. Working remotely is becoming more and more common all the time. The freelancer economy in the US is … Read More

The 3 Questions That Will Measure How Successful You Are

By Robert L. Dickie III

Have you ever found yourself feeling fairly satisfied about where you are in your life—maybe even feeling rather successful in one way or another—then in the next moment, as you scroll through your Instagram feed, … Read More

Avoiding the Career Cul-De-Sac

By Robert L. Dickie III

Maybe you’re not familiar with the term “serial job-changer,” but I’m sure you know one. It’s a bright, motivated individual who never stays in one position for long. The résumé is dotted with few, scattered, … Read More