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3 Reasons You Aren’t Leaving Your Job for Something Better

Have you been considering another job opportunity? Or has a particular position or company been pursuing you? You might be feeling some inner stress or tension at the thought of leaving your current work situation. It can be stressful for … Read More

How to Bounce Back After Thanksgiving

While Thanksgiving is always a time to celebrate, the holiday normally leaves you with a few unwanted pounds. After you’ve enjoyed all the mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey and pumpkin pie you can stomach, the scale may not thank you. … Read More

Exceptional Coffee That Changes Lives; The New Bonvera-Thrive Farmers Partnership

A cup of coffee. It’s something so common that it’s said that the average American consumes roughly 3 cups of it per day. But have you ever thought about where that coffee comes from or who produces it or how … Read More

The Top 4 Things to Know About Ketoned, the Newest Ketogenic Product with Phyzix MD

By Dr. Jeff Davis

There are few products I’m more excited about than the new exogenous ketone product, Phyzix MD Ketoned. If you’ve heard me talk before, you will know that I’m a big believer in low carb and ketogenic … Read More

The Secret to Job Satisfaction

In our culture today, job satisfaction is a highly sought-after treasure. If you don’t have it, then something needs to change. If you don’t have it, you must not be very successful. Most people would consider job satisfaction and career … Read More

The Workplace & Technology: Staying Ahead of the Curve

 It’s easy to look back at the “good ol’ days” of the workforce—when people scheduled meetings over the phone, took messages when someone was out of the office or simply filled out an application to apply for a job. You … Read More

Finding Your Why: 3 Reasons Clarifying Your Purpose Can Change Your Life

Bonvera CEO, Bob Dickie, recently commented that “the two of the most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discover your purpose.”

Discovering your “why” is an important first step in Read More

Why You Can and Maybe Should Choose a Different Career Path

Many come to a point in their career when they wonder if they’d be better off in a completely different field that they’re more passionate about or skilled in. It can be difficult to discern when the struggle requires you … Read More

The Decline of the 9 to 5 Job

By Robert L. Dickie III

Like it or not, the Monday-to-Friday, 9-to-5, clock-in-clock-out work-week is quickly becoming a relic of the past. Working remotely is becoming more and more common all the time. The freelancer economy in the US is … Read More

The 3 Questions That Will Measure How Successful You Are

By Robert L. Dickie III

Have you ever found yourself feeling fairly satisfied about where you are in your life—maybe even feeling rather successful in one way or another—then in the next moment, as you scroll through your Instagram feed, … Read More